Thursday, February 25, 2021

It feels like I have finally awoken from hibernation.

Written by  Linda Bobowski

It feels like I have finally awoken from hibernation. With the days getting longer and sun getting brighter it seems like spring really is getting closer. A few days after the polar vortex finally moved on I headed out for some sunshine and a walk after being cooped up in the house during the bitter cold. Of course, I needed a destination so off to Dutch Growers I ventured. My oldest and youngest daughters decided to try gardening last year. We all have small lots so container gardening was our choice. Stephanie, had three large raised beds that her husband made and Shan had a variety of containers and a small garden patch.

 I decided to peruse the vegetable seed varieties that would be suitable for our small spaces. Stephanie tried her luck with peas, beets and carrots so that was what I was searching for. As it was a Saturday and the first really nice day after the vortex, I was surprised at the number of customers in the store, but more so that a number of young families with children in tow were milling about the seed section. With social distancing in place I stood back to wait my turn. As I hadn’t planted a garden for a number of years and tried my luck last year with a couple of incredible heirloom tomatoes and a couple of cucumbers I was curious to see what if any would be available for containers.

I looked first for carrots and decided upon the heirloom Nantes which are sweet and grow only to six inches. Next to the peas and was I surprised to see a container variety called Tom Thumb a bush variety that grows only 8 to 9 inches with no staking required. I decided I also needed to expand my container garden this year, so two packages in the basket. I was very familiar with Detroit Red beets but I knew Stephanie would need something a bit more suitable. An heirloom variety Early Wonder promises beets  of 3 to 4-inch globes producing an abundance of greens and is early maturing and great for container gardening.

I have to admit last fall after my success I purchased a stackable 3-piece container garden which I was going to grow the tomatoes and cucumbers, now I am going to expand the variety of veggies I will grow.   I am looking forward to the warmer weather, the longer days and the gardening season to begin.

Read 1482 times Last modified on Thursday, February 25, 2021