I’ve often been surprised at the number of times God seems to use random songs to speak to me. It often comes out of the blue, and might be songs I have only a passing knowledge of. The song just pops into my head, and along with it comes a weird sense of how God’s using it to speak to me.
Here at the Parish office, a change in liturgical seasons is always a busy time. The last two weeks especially have been a little crazy: trying to get Ash Wednesday, Reconciliation times, our Penitential Service and Stations of the Cross organized and ready to go; looking forward to the Triduum and Easter and all the planning involved there – all of which goes on top of our regular weekly tasks and ongoing projects. It’s a bit of a wonder I’m still upright and coherent most of the time!
With all this busyness, I have been having a hard time getting ready for and in the mood of Lent...
Phase 12
After my first year of study in the Performing Arts Music Program in Edmonton, I decided to venture out, volunteering at St. John the Evangelist Church. One Sunday, Stewardship Ministry forms were handed out and I checked off Music Ministry. The next Sunday, the Pastoral Associate asked me if I would be interested joining the 10:00 am Sunday Choir. Without hesitation, I said “Yes”!...
Phase 9
Living in Edmonton at age 26 was quite a venture as a full time music student. I applied myself to the max with my studies and regularly attended St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church on Sundays. I knew that going to Church and praying for guidance was an absolute necessity for my journey.
After a couple weeks of classes and orientating to the college, I notice a bulletin board with a sign saying: WANTED- A male or female to share a 3-bedroom apartment with Tim and Dale; within walking distance of the college. This appealed to me because I was presently living in a basement room a 20 minute drive from school. Without hesitation I pursued the apartment rental and moved in with Tim (a drummer) and Dale (guitarist), musicians working in bars and lounges, who had both attended Grant MacEwan College...