This web-blog was written before Mike got his new job as Development and Peace’s new Animator for Saskatchewan-Keewatin Le Pas! Check out his introductory video here.
I recently signed up for a gym.
It’s probably one of my favorite paintings. To me it embodies the gift of self and call to service of each individual Christian, showing up for work in “God’s vineyard”. In my own opinion it pairs most excellently with my favorite hymn:
“I, the Lord of sea and sky
I have heard my people cry...
Who will bear my light to them?
Whom shall I send?”
I admit. 2020 hasn’t been the best year for many of us.
From hurricanes to explosions, war to disease, continued ecological fallout to social inequality and lots more, it can feel hard to touch all the bases for what new tragedy 2020 has brought us. A quick jaunt into traditional and social media leads to an even longer list of people to blame. It’s the <insert name here>’s fault, we better make them pay! We better get our fair share!
Names are important. They carry so much meaning in one word. In my job I often have to recall many different people’s names and I (almost) always get a smile if I remember them right. There is something about being called by your name. A name can be an emboldening experience, a recognition of identity and status - like expressing friendship, solidarity, communion.
Have you ever felt overwhelmed by something you had to do? Some duty or responsibility that just seemed un-do-able no matter which way you looked at it?
Sometimes it's because we’re afraid by the sheer scope of the task. Or, maybe, it’s the demands and hardships it places on our loved ones. Other times it may be because we don't even know where to begin. We may even ask “Why, God?”