Have you noticed how common it is not to own stuff anymore? Increasingly, we’re paying only for the temporary use of things, rather than for the thing itself. For example, many of us now lease vehicles instead of buying them outright. With cars and trucks commanding ever-higher prices, perhaps there’s little choice in that. But a whole new segment of the population is taking that concept a step further and car-sharing only when they absolutely need it...
*Me on my armchair earlier this month: “Go Team Red! Go!”
As I sit by the fireplace on this blustery, blowing snowy day, I am watching our oldest granddaughter from Calgary playing for gold in a ringette tournament in Richmond. Now, it may not be exactly like I am sitting in the cold rink but I am there in spirit and cheering from my armchair. With our family spread out across the country, I would envy all the grandparents enjoying their grandchildren. Our visits seemed to be too few and far between and I felt like we were missing so much. Our oldest grandchild is thirteen, our middle grandson is ten and our youngest is now four. And in a span of thirteen years, technology just keeps on advancing. Even in that time frame I have noticed the change...
What matters most in my priesthood? It is not bringing people close to me or political hierarchy. It is not also confinement in the Rectory or office. It is not even reading what’s inside people’s minds. But, it is to convert sinners and to save souls...
As you’re probably aware, the last couple days have been cold. Really cold. And the days before that were snowy. Really snowy. And so we find ourselves in the midst of a good old fashioned Saskatchewan winter. I found myself chuckling this morning as I noticed a particular car in my apartment parking lot. It is totally covered in about a foot of snow, not plugged in, with snow banks surrounding it...
Over the last couple years I’ve been enjoying pens. It started with comparing various inexpensive disposable pens to see which was more reliable (go Bic Round Stick!). Then I picked up a few rollerball and gel pens. They’re so smooth, my beloved Zebra Sarasa never smears, and I adore the vibrant red of my Uniball Signo 207. It’s a thing of beauty.
Recently we’ve entered a new season. Actually, we’ve begun several new seasons, which can make it seem somewhat confusing, but more on that later. First of all, we’re now a few weeks into winter. This may seem strange because we’ve been living with the snow and cold for several months already. How can winter just be starting?...
Well, we’re officially back to ordinary time. Ordinary time… I’ve always found it so funny that we call it ordinary. I guess in some ways it makes sense – in ordinary time, we aren’t in feast mode. Instead, we’re journeying. We’re making our way from one big feast to another (Christmas to Easter, or vice versa). But I guess life can’t always be a great big party; if it was, the party wouldn’t be all that special or fun. Besides, I’m an introvert; I need my down time.
Where I get stuck in calling ordinary time “ordinary” is that, when I look at the Gospels in particular, there isn’t really anything that “ordinary”. I suppose we hear about Jesus doing the really special stuff like … you know… rising from the dead, on special feast days… but it’s not like “ordinary” Sundays tell stories that are all that mundane...
The Christmas tree is now packed away for another year. It seems like it was just the other day that we were decorating it. Christmas is done, and at its conclusion I find myself pondering a multitude of memories and reflecting on a variety of “traditions.” How some things change and how some things remain the same (for the time being)...
Welcome 2019! My, how quickly time goes by. Christmas has come and gone, the Cathedral office is back open and we are all back hard at work. Before we go forward, let’s talk about this year’s New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day celebration!
What was your favourite part about New Year’s this year?