Mission Statement: The Catholic Women’s League of Canada calls its members to grow in faith, and to witness to the love of God through ministry and service.
The CWL (Catholic Women’s League) at our parish is a vibrant and active group of over 100 women. Together we practice and develop our faith, educate ourselves, support charities and give of our time and talents to our parish and community. To our members, the League is a gift of faith, friendship, leadership development, support and affirmation.
All women aged 16 and older are encouraged to join us. We gather on the second Wednesday of the month at 7:00 pm at the Cathedral from September to June.
For our complete areas of service, click here.
To explore more about the CWL at the national level, click here or within the province, click here.
If you would like more information or to become a member, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or leave us a message with the parish office at 306-659-5800.
We look forward to welcoming you to our sisterhood!
Create your FREE account (click for video walkthrough):
Once you have signed up, don’t forget to download the free iOS or Android app to put FORMED at your fingertips, or find it on Roku, AppleTV, and many other devices!
It’s an online service for streaming audio and video, and more. It’s like a combination of NetflixTM and a library, all of excellent Catholic material.
Nothing. The cathedral has already purchased the subscription. Please use it. (If you wish to contribute to support the subscription, please simply add it to your regular donation.)
Web Terminal for Volunteers - MSP from Rotunda Software on Vimeo.
We recently moved to Ministry Scheduler Pro in the summer of 2019. It now schedules and coordinates all of our liturgical ministries (e.g. all the ministers at Sunday Mass) over to this new system. Why?
If you don't have or just don't like using email, we will continue to print up copies of the schedule and make them available in the sacristy.
Knights of Columbus is an international Catholic, family, fraternal and service organization of men. Father Michael J. McGivney initially founded the organization focused on supporting families, initially the orphans and widows of men in New Haven Connecticut in 1882. There are now more than 1.9 million members. Members donate more than $155,000,000 and over 70 million hours of community service worldwide every year.
Dennis Mahoney Council 8215 of the Knights of Columbus meets in the Cathedral of the Holy Family on the first and third Tuesday of each month at 7:30 PM. All men 18 years of age and over are encouraged to join. Our Council was founded in October 1982 and celebrated 35 years of service in October 2017.
Individuals in our Council perform volunteer services and fundraise to make contributions in our community and church that include: support for our local separate schools; support for our pastor and other parish ministers.
>We are involved in Special Olympics, Youth Parliament, Wheelchair Foundation, Indoor Games, Blackstrap Youth Camp, In Support of Life projects, Keep Christ in Christmas projects, Food Bank drive, Christmas hampers and more. We offer mutual support to one another and share our spiritual, fraternal and service energies.
We are involved in the KC FPB: “Knights of Columbus Famous Pancake Breakfast”. We often tend bar for activities in the Bishop LeGatt Hall.
We are involved in the Knights of Columbus Carol Festival and have members involved in the Knights choir.
We are open and supportive of projects in the community including the facilitating of candidates form prior to elections, facilitating the forum for interesting speakers such as Dr. Peter Kreeft and coordinating the annual Celebrity Dinner in support of the Jim Patterson Children's Hospital.
Many individuals also attend a 2T BKB “Second Tuesday, Brother’s Keeper Breakfast” which currently takes place at Queens House Retreat Centre from 7:00 am to 8:00 am on the second Tuesday of each month. At the 2T BKB we discuss different topics, share and have discussions on a more spiritual level with other men.
The current executive of our Council include:
We welcome all to join. To join one simply needs to ask a current member to present an application to the membership for approval with information including one’s name, address, purpose for joining and confirmation that one is a practicing catholic.
For more information, visit our website at knightsofcolumbus8215.com