Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Going to the Gym: A D&P Update

Written by  Michael LeBlanc

This web-blog was written before Mike got his new job as Development and Peace’s new Animator for Saskatchewan-Keewatin Le Pas! Check out his introductory video here.

I recently signed up for a gym. 

Now I know what you are thinking, but there wasn't any sign up bonuses, one time offers or special deals. And New Year's isn't for another 3 months.

No, I signed up for another reason: I'm fat

But my new gym was great. They signed me up no fuss and put me in touch with a trainer for a free consultation. This trainer taught me a number of things. He taught me how to push myself while also being patient with my progress. We set goals and explored what was a good direction for me to go.

Ever feel like the Church is a gym sometimes? And maybe the Holy Spirit  is our trainer? Pope Francis reminds us that while the cry of the earth and the poor is alarming there is also opportunity even in this crisis. In theory I could imagine playing in this upcoming soccer season; however, I knew I needed to take action to have a hope of keeping up with the young guns on the field. In like manner I feel like many of us have a theory of ecological conversion or the preferential option for the poor but may feel out of shape as soon as we hit our "spiritual gym". I must say the first AMRAP I did (don't ask, it hurts) had me collapsed on the mat gasping for air. But the next one was easier; and more importantly, while I lay gasping for air, I knew then how much I needed to be there.

We need you here, during this time of ecological crisis. We are citizens of the same planet and thus, while the challenges seem enormous the opportunities are equally ever present. While our physical health may seem important, our faith teaches us that our spiritual health (and the health of the planet!) is even more important. The discomfort we feel when contemplating new ideas and activities is the source of our strength, because it means that we are making progress  in our spiritual journey. And more importantly, through it we can better see the Spirit of Jesus Christ as our personal trainer.

There are many ways to get involved. Among them are to:

  • See: become informed about the mission of the Church in the world and what is being done right now.
  • Judge: take some time to contemplate the impact we have on those around us, in every possible way - economic, social, spiritual, political, emotional, physical. Use scrap paper or a journal and record what you discover!
  • Act: make a plan for this year.

Not sure what to do?

Luke Stocking, the deputy director for public engagement within D&P wrote an article on the emergency response to the earthquake in Haiti. Read this article and others about the vital role Development and Peace plays in the daily lives of the most vulnerable

Find 10 dollars in your monthly budget to become a share year round member of Development and Peace or make a one time donation here

Look through this list of ways to save money AND look after the environment. Choose one (1) thing to change about your lifestyle and share the results with your family and friends (and on social media).

Or simply take some time this weekend to prayerfully meditate on what the next steps are in your life. It could be signing an organ donor card, making a gift of time for our parish, speaking to friends and family about the social gospel of Jesus Christ, spending time with a neglected member of society (or your family), researching environmental and social issues or fasting from meat once (or more times) a week. 

Whatever it is I pray you will feel God's presence with you as he is with all of us (and all of creation) all of the time.



D&P is currently in mid campaign! Find petition forms online (printed & signed is better because we can present them directly to our Members of Parliament) and learn more at

Note sure what your riding is? See map of SK, S’toon, Regina, and MB

Read 1685 times Last modified on Wednesday, December 15, 2021